Shaun of the Dead(2004).Shaun doesn't have a very good day, so he decides to turn his life around by getting his ex to take him back, but he times it for right in the middle of what may be a zombie apocalypse... But for him, it's an opportunity to show everyone he knows how useful he is by saving them all. All he has to do is survive... And get his ex back. Written byInfest0125... Synopsis Shaun of the Dead(2004)
Movie Title: Shaun of the Dead(2004)
Run Time: 99 min
Rating: 8.0 / 10
Genres: Comedy |Horror
Release Date: 24 September 2004 (USA)
Director: Edgar Wright
Writer: Simon Pegg,Edgar Wright... and other credits
Actor: Simon Pegg,Nick Frost,Kate Ashfield
This is the best mix of beer and blood I have ever tasted. "Shaun of the Dead" has some great comical moments and yet it has been made with lots of professionalism like this was a serious gory horror movie they were making. Because of this, through its seriousness, the movie becomes perhaps even more hilarious and really delivers. Both the fans of the (British) comedy-genre and the fans of mainly 'Zombie' movies and other gory horror-movies, will be entertained by this movie.
Visually the movie is really good looking. Its not like many other British movies and has a good looking use of cinematography and lighting. The gore, make-up and visual effects are extremely good and are even something that I haven't even seen in 'serious' Zombie/horror flicks.
You might think that this movie is just mainly a spoof of "Dawn of the Dead" (1978) but its really more than that. The movie is good and creates a good story on its own so that it becomes more than just a simple spoof. All of the characters are well written and are funny in their own way.
The acting is good for comedy standards and the actors perfectly know how to play in both hilarious/funny scene's as well as in serious/emotional one's. Plus of course it has the wonderful Bill Nighy playing a role in it. This guy really is a terrific actor that always is at his best in comical roles like he plays in this movie.
Basically this is a very good looking and professionally made movie that also is funny and hilarious at moments. I can't see how anyone could not like this movie.
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